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Laura & José

What was different about this healthcare experience from any experience prior, was that the team was highly qualified, they functioned as a team, and they truly cared.



From Left to Right: José, Kinley, Laura, and Brayden

Our Story

My husband and I had always wanted children, but after 8 years of marriage, we were not sure it was God’s plan for us. All that changed when we met an exceedingly amazing NaPro physician who referred us to an equally exceedingly amazing Creighton Practitioner.


For as long as I can remember I had been ill with gastrointestinal distress and chronic abdominal pain. It affected my ability to attend work, enjoy outings, and impacted my marriage. In 2012, I was diagnosed with endometriosis and underwent surgery, but that surgery did not cause any improvements to my quality of life.


Then, in 2017, I was referred to a NaPro physician and my whole life changed. She really listened, connected me with a Creighton Practitioner, performed 3 surgeries to remove the endometriosis and a uterine fibroid, and within less than one year from my last surgery in 2017, we were blessed with a beautiful son.  What was different about this healthcare experience from any experience prior, was that the team was highly qualified, they functioned as a team, and they truly cared.


The Creighton Practitioner consistently connected to ensure our understanding of the method, and through her instruction I also gained an even greater appreciation of the beautiful way God designed us.  Around 18 months after our son joined the world, our beautiful daughter joined our family.


Our beautiful children would definitely not be here today without the time our Practitioner dedicated to helping our family learn the Creighton method, nor without the collaborative team approach that was taken. Even if we did not end up having children, the effort invested would still be 1000% worth it for the improved health, and the opportunity to work with such an inspiring healthcare team.

Baby's Grasp

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