My mood has improved, I have more energy to do the things I love, and my sleep quality is the best it's been in years. Even as a single woman in her 20s, I'm so thankful I learned the Creighton Method when I did.

My Story
I started using the Creighton Method in my early 20s after years of having irregular cycles. Doctors told me that I would either grow out of it, or I could go on birth control. Unsatisfied with either of these options, I sought help from a FertilityCare Practitioner.
I began charting and was astounded at the amount of information I learned about my body and cycle. After using the Creighton Method for a few months, I was referred to a Medical Consultant to find the underlying cause of my irregular cycles. Since then, I have been diagnosed with PCOS. With medication to help regulate my insulin levels, I finally have normal cycles for the first time in my life!
My mood has improved, I have more energy to do the things I love, and my sleep quality is the best it's been in years. Even as a single woman in her 20s, I'm so thankful I learned the Creighton Method when I did. I continue charting to monitor my health and appreciate my body's patterns. It has armed me with knowledge about my body and prepared me for family planning in the future.